Amanda White
Amanda White

    Amanda was born in Buckinghamshire (United Kingdom) in 1976, the same year Trollbeads started its history. Already from a young age, her passions were nature, design and music. Amanda gets inspiration from her surroundings. Whether she's in a busy city or on the country side.


    There is always something she can be interested in. Her attitude is that life is not far enough to see and experience all the beautiful things that are in the world. She enjoys long trips with her boyfriend and loves exploring new destinations and capturing the memories with her camera. She has a special fondness for mountains, lakes and rock pools.

    She enjoys music because it has the amazing ability to change emotions. It can be uplifting, exciting and motivating and other times melancholy or even sad and she can not imagine a world without music.

    Amanda is a previous winner of People's Bead in 2015 with 'Tropical Travels'. When contemplating a new design for People's Bead 2020, Amanda once again returned to her love of nature. "This design was created during a time all nations were urged to stay apart in order to protect those we love. In troubled times I found my solace by walking through the woods and countryside. During each visit I passed ivy covered trees. I admire ivy for its determination, vigour and longevity. Against all odds the faithful ivy forms a strong bond which remains constant throughout the year. I wanted my design to symbolise the unity we share with those we love. The “Framed by Ivy” bead will encompass a precious gemstone or pearl."


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